Titanic Dinner Dress

The Greater Bay Area Costume Guild had an event called “The Last Dinner Aboard the  Titanic” on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. I’m not a huge fan of the Edwardian or teens era dresses, but it was such a neat event that Judy and I decided to make dresses and attend. It ended up being an amazing event and I’m so glad I went!

We bought saris to use on our dresses. It was bit tricky to figure out a design that only used straight edges but I loved the end result. I would say if I had to do it again though, I would pick a sari with less beading. I think I broke over 15 needles before I decided to take the time to pick out all the beading where-ever I had to sew.

First Worn: GBACG’s “Last Dinner about the Titanic” event 2012