Dance Performance Videos

The video got cut so the rest is here along with our group dance:

These are of the technical rehearsal as taping during the actual performance was not allowed. Thanks to Aki’s brother for trekking out to every single one of our rehearsals to tape us! And thanks to all our friends who came to watch us and support us. We really appreciate it! =)

I’d say the performance went decently well. I’m proud of how hard Aki and I worked on our dance and while it coulda been better (as always), it was at least presentable by the end there. ^^;

Now we get to take a break and think about what we want to do next year.

I haven’t been doing much after the performance other then doing a good impression of a lazy cat and playing WoW. Yes, I know I’m way behind the curve, but I just started playing. (Blame Judy.) And no, I will not suddenly drop off the face of the earth, never to be heard from again. =P