Posts Tagged‘Quilts’

Story Book Baby Quilt

I completely fell in love with Storybook by Kate & Birdie when it was released, and then I came across the adorable Storybook Star Baby Quilt pattern on Moda Bakeshop. Shortly after that, my dear friend Lorelai found out she was pregnant which gave me the perfect excuse to buy the fabric!

(I try not to buy fabric unless I know what I’m going to be using it for. Well, that’s the theory at least… doesn’t always work in practice. No one is surprised by that right? =D )

I made a small alteration to the pattern and bought an extra charm pack so that I could add prairie points around the edge. I like putting “taggies” on baby quilts for baby to play with.

storybook baby quilt

In the future, I will be putting prairie points on the quilt somewhere that is not on the edge ’cause wow, finishing that edge was a pain in the butt. It is also not the prettiest job ever, so hopefully Lorelai won’t look at it too closely.

I had some fun with the quilting using my walking foot. It’s still pretty simple as quilting goes, but I like how it came out.

Baby Quilt for the Grub

I finally finished the Grub’s quilt! This one took a while because of all the scallop trim and because I decided I was going to attempt to step up my quilting skills. The scallop trim went fine. The attempt to do fancier quilting… the jury is still out on whether I accomplished that. =D

I didn’t use a pattern for this quilt so I did a lot of planning and math at the beginning, but apparently I can’t do math (please ignore my college degree that says I graduated in engineering), and my blocks didn’t quite come out the size I expected. It wasn’t a big deal as the quilt was very basic and I just worked around my faulty math, but I’m thinking I might just stick to using patterns in the future.

Being All Craftsy

I’ve been on a craftsy kick. It started out as an attempt to use up pretty scraps I had laying around, but then I took a look into quilting and uh, obviously that ended with me buying more fabric instead of using up scraps. So I’m not sure the fabric flow has been negative the last couple of months, but it might be holding kinda steady. Maybe…

Here are some photos of stuff I’ve been working on and photos of the ongoing house re-org.