Last year I missed all the holiday events due to Larva so this year I was really happy to get to the Dickens Fair and the GBACG Holiday Tea event this year.
I finally made a comfy costume for Dickens so that I could eat ALL THE THINGS. Srsly, Dickens Fair has some of the yummiest food, and every year I’m sad that I can’t eat more because I’m wearing a corset. This year, Judy, D and I were Victorian maids. Bunny actually wore something nice so I guess we were her maids! And Mi and Lorelai did street urchins. It was a fun comfy group and I think we stopped at every single stall that had something edible. It was awesome. =D
A few weeks after that, we attended the GBACG New York Society Tea (which I just call the Holiday Tea). I was thinking about fixing up my black & white striped dress but it takes me so much much longer these days to finish projects. I realized after working on my maid costume (which took me weeks and it’s simple!), that I was going to have to start in December if I wanted to get my robe a la francaise done for the next event in February so I opted to re-wear one of my old dresses that didn’t need fixing.
After the tea, Mi, Doris and I hopped on a trolley (hence the really blurry photo taken by an amused tourist) and rode it up to the Fairmont. I would love to do photos of a bunch of us on the trolley in costume at some point… just not on a weekend. It was crazy packed on the trolley.
We wanted to see the life-size gingerbread house at the Fairmont that we’d heard about. Uhm… it was kind of disappointing. LOL It’s more of just a facade than a real “house”. We did get to see the place where the GBACG Pemberley regency tea is going to be held though. That’s going to be a lot of fun!
Here’s one last photo of us at the Fairmont.