
Otakon was a blast! It’s been a long time since I just hung out at a con with people instead of running around doing masquerade stuff. I met some really really cool people, got really toasted, ran around as a kangaroo, and managed to survive the east coast humidity.

The con itself was very mediocre. I tried so hard to find something on the schedule to go see ’cause the badge was so expensive but didn’t have any luck. =P I did manage to finally learn my way around that crack-designed con center though so finding things was actually manage-able. And the masquerade: ummm… let’s just say that I have seen better… at just about every other con I’ve been to. o_O Otakon should really require that their contestants pre-record their skits. I’m not sure if it would have helped improved the quality but at least then I could tell you for sure seeing as how I couldn’t hear 70% of them.

But the highlights!

– Drank every night that I was in MD. The best was wandering around the con center Saturday night with everyone carrying water bottles filled with… umm, actually I have no idea what was in there but it wasn’t water. LOL. I could have skipped my hangover on Sunday though.

– Finally got to see airisuu again after almost 2 years! Yay!

– Got to run around in badass Battle Royal 2 uniforms and get wicked cool photos. Thanks Lionel!

– Finally got to meet my new co-worker, ghostfaceposta, in person.

– Partied with some cool OtakuBooty peoples… and that’s the last time I ask a bartender to surprise me with a drink. I was surprised, that’s for sure. o_O

– Met sutori_toenzeru and yoshinya who were way way cool! Come visit us in NorCal and we can go partying and rant about Pinky & the Brain! =D

– Introduced wagashi to the fun-ness of kamikaze shots.

– Got to see the most traumatizing sculpture I have seen to date in the artist alley: naked Eva units (not the pilots… the UNITS) in compromising positions in santa gear. I kid you not. I’m still looking for the mental scrubby brush after that one.

– Randomly ran into frumious and apolloniansidhe, totally unplanned. And after a whole day of chasing each other with text messages too! It was good to see you guys again!

– Got to be uber cute with Cheryll in our kigurumi pajamas! I was a kangaroo and positivespace was a flying squirrel.

– Got space ice cream in D.C. with Cheryll. Did you know there are pre-historic snail fossils in the Natural History Museum that are the size of car tires? o_O Imagine finding THAT in your garden.

– Got stuck in Dulles airport for over 6 hours when our plane broke down, finally got re-routed, got to sit in the seat where nothing worked including the seat itself, got into San Francisco and was sooo not surprised to find my luggage had gotten lost. Ok, that’s not a highlight and it really wasn’t a big deal, but it was phenomenal how many things went wrong so it’s worth a bullet. =) (I finally got my luggage back last night.)

I think that about sums up the weekend. And now I have to catch up on work. Yay…