I finally got a photoshoot of my House of Flying Daggers costume! Thank you sapphic_lens!!!
My hair is still too short and there was just no way to anchor that headdress properly so no jumps or spins during this photoshoot.
AX was very low key for me. I just put on a couple costumes and walked around. I got to see lots of people and really didn’t do a whole lot of anything. It was nice and relaxing. My only regret was that I didn’t see more people but it sounds like the people I didn’t see were pretty busy and we were only there for 1 1/2 days.
Hm, I’d say more but there really isn’t much more to say…
Oh wait, how could I forget! There were Five Star Stories cosplayers at AX!!!!! Three of them in fact which is more than I have ever seen in one place (in the U.S.) That totally made my weekend and made me wish I had brought one of my FSS costumes. ^___^