I think I need to stop buying takochus…
I’m very proud of my little mini-shelving unit I built by cutting up plastic rods from Tap. <3 Tap Plastics!
I should really make this a couple different LJ posts but I so rarely get to sit down and write a post so I’m just getting it all out of the way in one go.
We’re going to China in April! I’m so excited! I’ve never been! Judy, Marcus and I are flying to Shanghai for a couple of days and then to Beijing for a week. Aimee is gonna meet us in Beijing and then afterwards, Marcus and I are going to Taiwan to see family.
If you’ve ever been to Shanghai or Beijing and want to tell us about something we must see, let us know! We’re doing all the usual touristy stuff and we plan to meet up with fatwetdog. I’m totally watching a million Chinese movies cause my Chinese is so rusty. =D
I feel like I should send that top photo to HP and compliment them on the sturdiness of their printers. “Has been stress tested by 30lbs of cat and still prints great!”
And this is Sully, chinaceili‘s new fur-baby. He’s actually quite cute… for a rat.
Oops, almost forgot this last photo. Taken with a point & shoot so it’s not that great, but it was all I had on hand and it was too good a photo op to pass up. Never fall asleep in my house… you will become a kitty cushion.