Actually they’re not photos at all. They’re rather poor quality screenshots of the performance dvd we just got. The photographer photos are really nice but it will be forever and a half before we get them so in the meantime, I’m posting these.
And then when I get the official photos, I’ll just spam again… or something.

Solo dance. I picked a sword dance cause I (mistakenly) thought that since I had the basics of sword fighting down from Beijing opera, it would be easier. Oh heellll NO. =P If I had studied wushu, that would have been closer but I didn’t and Beijing opera style fighting is nothing like sword dancing. >.<

I love how that screencap looks so impressive… in reality, if you watch the video, it really isn’t all that cool looking. =D

I am proud to say that at least I did not nail myself with the sword during the performance. Obviously, I did that a quite a few times during practices.

Hmm… must remember to point toes.

Group dance! I’m the one on the far left. I love how none of us are leaning back at the same angle. o_O

For the record, this is the professionals doing the dance. WTF, my body doesn’t bend like that!

Yes, I’m wearing a bodysuit to hide the tattoos. Wouldn’t do to scandalize the Chinese parents… or give their kids ideas. =D

I only have a rehearsal video of this group dance so the lighting isn’t all pretty-like.

And last photo! Hope that wasn’t too boring for those that made it this far. ^_^
BTW, if anyone has recommendations on software to use to rip dvds into uploadable format, I’d love to hear. Thanks!
And yes, I am still procrastinating and avoiding my dance festival application. -_-