Back to the East Coast!

A synopsis of my first earthquake…
*house starts shaking and things start falling over*
Me: What the…?
Judy: Oh hey, earthquake.
Me: @#$!%!#%!@$#@%!$%

Let’s just say I didn’t handle my first earthquake very well. I’d be ok with never doing that again. ^^;


Nothing in the house seems to be broken although we heard a lot of crashing so maybe we just haven’t found it all yet. The kitties are fine other than being utterly freaked out.

I think it felt worse for us than most people because we were close to the epicenter (duh) but also because we were on the second floor of the house and it was swaying a LOT.

Anyways, Happy Halloween everyone! I utterly fail as a costumer… I was halfway to work today when I realized it was Halloween and I had no costume on. =D