OHEMGEE… Dance Videos!


So after 2 (maybe 3) years of talking about it, I finally figured out how to upload videos to youtube. Watch out world! :: starts digitizing everything in sight ::

Last night, I spent 2 hours and uploaded a bunch of performance videos.

The one above is a Dai dance. They’re a minority in the south of China and share a lot of similarities with Thai culture. They have this thing for peacocks too… lots and lots of peacock dances out there.

This is me and Aki’s Mongolian dance from last year. The video recorder operator is a bit… held back. He got much better this year but some of the videos from previous years were pretty special.

A water sleeves dance. We’re supposed to be flowers… try not to laugh too hard at the costumes. =D I’ve had worse but these were pretty bad. This is my trio group – same ladies I did the peacock dance with. We do dances together every year. We’re not that great but we have fun and that’s the whole point right? =D

Ok enough spam for now. I’ll post group dances later this weekend or something.